
Thursday 4 March 2010

Acts 2:14-21

Peter gets up and explains the events to the people. There is often a lot of nonsense talked in the church about words and actions as if it was a choice between the two. Proclamation of the kingdom is both words and actions. People need to see things happening, whether this being the church getting involved in things, taking action to help the needy, miraculous events or things happening in our lives. Then they need words to explain what is happening and what it all means. Words on their own are dead, actions without words are confusing.

It is worth remembering that this is only seven weeks or so since Peter denied Jesus. He has been transformed from a coward into a man of boldness in a few weeks. With the Holy Spirit big changes can take place in us very quickly. 

Peter ties in the events with Joel's prophesy of the Holy Spirit. Joel foretold that God would pour out His Spirit on all people. Jesus' death and resurrection made it possible for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell with men and women. Joel is in some ways an apocalyptic prophesy, but part of it undoubtedly applies now. The coming of the Holy Spirit is a major event in the history of the world. In our own lives and our own towns, significant things will happen when men and women allow the Holy Spirit to fill them and lead them in their lives.

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