
Wednesday 17 February 2010

Genesis 33

Jacob was still very wary of the situation, but he had no need to fear. Esau was delighted to see him. When we are faced with problems involving other people our minds naturally become focused on the other person and the "need" for them to change. However, God's way is that we focus on our own need to change. When we do this we will often find that God has changed the other person as well, as has happened here. If instead, we continue to be obsessed with the other person changing we will find only frustration.

There was a debate of sorts over the acceptance of gifts, but it was really just a polite ritual.

While the meeting had been cordial, Jacob does not want to closely ally himself to Esau. He knows the promise that God has for him and does not allow himself to be distracted from that. 

Once again there is reference to land being bought, this is emphasising Israel's legal right to the land.

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