
Tuesday 16 February 2010

Genesis 32

Jacob went on his way and was met by the angels of God. All seems well, but Jacob is having to face up to a major issue in his life, one which could cost him his life. He has to meet with Esau. Remember that Jacob had been on the run from Esau for many years, and Esau's parting words had been that he wanted Jacob dead. 

Jacob uses his wits to try and get through the situation. He sends messengers ahead to Esau and promises gifts to him. The news Jacob receives does not seem good, for he hears that Esau is on his way with 400 men. Jacob is filled with fear and splits his people and livestock in to two groups, hoping that at least one of the groups would survive. 

Jacob then prays to God. God had told him to return to the land, but doing so means he has to confront Esau, and death seems certain. Sometimes when God calls us to do something it will entail confronting something or someone we would rather not confront. Jacob knows the promises of God for him, but also sees the threat.

At night Jacob sends his servants with gifts, hoping to placate Esau. Jacob sent his servants ahead, then he sent his family ahead. He was left alone. Despite all his planning, he knew that he could do nothing, and he was left alone with God. All night he wrestled with a man. Later it turns out that he was in fact wrestling with God. This can be seen as a picture of Jacob's life. He thought that Esau was his biggest problem, but he in fact needed to get sorted out with God. 

Jacob only realises it is God when the man blesses him. A sure sign of an encounter with God is that God blesses you.

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