
Monday 15 February 2010

Genesis 31

Jacob's tricks were earning him a bad reputation and the attitude of Laban and Laban's sons was hardening against him. The Lord tells Jacob that it is time for him to return to his home land. Jacob tells his wives that it was God who gave him prosperity through the speckled sheep trick, though the actual account of the event contains no mention of this. 

Rachel and Leah are happy to leave, so they gather up all they have and leave. Like the Egyptians, Laban chases after them three days later and eventually catches up with them. Laban was angered by Jacob's actions, or at least claimed to be. However, God had warned Laban not to harm Jacob. We need to be aware that God does not just speak to the godly, but also to anyone to whom He chooses to speak.

Laban accuses Jacob of taking his household gods. Jacob had no knowledge of this, and vehemently denied it. However, Rachel had indeed stolen the gods. However, she pretended to be having a period, so Laban did not find them. So Laban fails to find anything, and Jacob rebukes him. After something of an argument they make a covenant. It said a boundary between the two peoples.

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