
Wednesday 18 November 2009

Genesis 5:1-32

The fact that God created all people is repeated here, along with the statement that we were all created in His image, male and female. Moreover, we were all blessed. Note that this is said after the fall. The fall has deadly serious consequences, but it is still the case that we are God’s creation, made in His image, and blessed by Him. While all of us are corrupted by sin, there is also still some good in all of us as well. Naturally, the balance between the good and evil varies considerably from one individual to another.

Adam’s son was created in his image. This means that he inherited the fallen aspects as well. In the early part of Genesis people seemed to live for an inordinately long time. Some see the figures as having symbolic meaning (eg one year for Enoch), others as being simply literal, and some a mixture of both.

All of them, apart from Enoch, died. As noted earlier, Enoch was the son of Cain, but he lived faithfully with God, and did not die, God just took him away. Enoch is perhaps a type, he was born of a sinful man, yet he chose to live by faith, and so he did not die. We were all born in sin, but if we believe in Christ we will live forever.

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