
Tuesday 3 November 2009

Genesis 1:1-2

In its day Genesis provided a real challenge to the prevailing myths of creation. Most cultures and religions had stories of the world arising out of a conflict between the "gods". In contrast, Genesis declares that the one true God created the whole world. He did not have to overcome anyone or anything in order to do this, it was His decision alone. By a series of declarations the world and everything associated with it was created.

Genesis is equally valid and equally challenging to us today. This is one of the reasons why there is such a hot debate over evolution. The prevailing myth today is that it all happened by chance and without purpose. In contrast, Genesis states clearly that we were created on purpose, with a purpose and for a purpose. We are the result of deliberate creative acts by God, indeed the whole of creation is a result of deliberate creative acts.

The Holy Spirit was intimately involved in creation. Without God the earth was formless and empty. Indeed, without God there would be nothing at all.

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