
Monday 9 November 2009

Genesis 3:6,7

Some have commented on the fact that the apple was pleasing to the eye. However, this is not justified, as in Genesis 2:9 it says that all the trees were pleasing to the eye and good for food. The point was that God had told them not to eat of that particular tree. She also gave some to Adam and he ate it.

On doing this it did indeed have an effect on them. They suddenly realised that they were naked, and sought to cover up their nakedness. At the end of chapter 2 it says they were naked and not ashamed, now they were ashamed.

We see here a model of how sin can come about. Adam and Eve had not set out that day with the intention of sinning, but the serpent did set out with the intention of tempting them. This is why Jesus taught us to pray "lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil". When they ate the fruit they had no intention of discovering they were naked, but they did discover this, along with the consequences. When we sin there are always unintended consequences, usually unpleasant.

Having set out on a road, they took steps to deal with the problems,namely sewing fig leaves together.

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