
Wednesday 19 August 2009

Ezekiel 16:35-42

The lustful activity and pouring out of her children's blood is both metaphorical of her idolatry and what actually happened. God would bring the nations against Israel and make a spectacle of her before them, showing what Israel was truly like. Israel wanted to give herself to the nations around her, to entrust her safety to them, well God would well and truly put her in the hands of the nations, and she would take the consequences. One of God's most effective judgements is to actually give someone what they want and let them take the consequences, see the second half of Romans 1 for an example of this. When people talk against God they often complain about why we should have to do this, and not do that, why God should object if we choose to do something different. Well I don't know exactly what hell is like, but receiving the full consequences of rebellious choices might be pretty close to it.

Israel is still controversial, even within the church. What these chapters, and others like it, show is that God is fully aware of Israel's sin, and that she receives the consequences of her sin. To say that Israel is God's nation is definitely not to say that it doesn't matter how she acts. We also have a tendency to focus on other nations being anti-Israel. Now this is true, and we need to be careful how we react to Israel, but Israel's prime concern must be to get right with God, to acknowledge who Jesus is.

Yet there comes a time when God's wrath against Israel subsides.

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