
Friday 7 August 2009

Ezekiel 12:1-6

The words in verse 2 are reminiscent of Isaiah (Isaiah 6:9-10), and Jesus often spoke of those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. God makes Ezekiel fully aware, if he wasn't already, of the nature of the people.

Therefore there is no chance of the people repenting and so exile is certain for the remnant in Jerusalem. Ezekiel is to act this out before the people. Now remember that he is doing this for the people who are already in exile. So why is God getting him to do this? It cannot be as a last ditch attempt to get the people in Jerusalem to repent (other prophets such as Jeremiah had that job). No, it is so that they will understand. When things go badly we tend to cling on to things in our mind, we attach our hope to things that we trusted in or held dear. The exiles would have a deep emotional attachment to Jerusalem. They needed to let go of this and realise that they needed to get right with God. Often we focus on the wrong thing. It might be the lack of money, or job, or health, or some relationship. Now clearly the fact that the Israelites were in exile was a big problem, but hankering after Jerusalem was not the answer. Likewise, the money, job, relationship etc is no doubt a real problem, but focusing on it is not the answer. We need to look to God and our relationship with Him.

Once the Israelites got their relationship with God sorted out they would indeed be able to live in Jerusalem, but as long as Jerusalem was the centre of their lives they would not be allowed to live their. As Jesus said, "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you". Our natural inclination is to focus on "these things", instead we should seek first the kingdom and His righteousness.

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