
Monday 10 August 2009

Ezekiel 13:1-7

Now God specifically attacks the false prophets themselves. The feature of these people is that they prophesy out of their own imagination, they follow their own spirit. Note that in this instance there is no direct demonic activity, it is just men relying on themselves. True prophesy is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it takes us beyond our own imagination and our own spirit.

God likens them to jackals. Jackals are animals that travel in packs and feed off dead flesh. False prophets will derive support from other false prophets, whereas the true prophet relies on God.

God then criticises them for not repairing the breaches in the wall. The true prophet, such as Jeremiah ir Ezekiel, told Israel what was wrong and how to put it right. If Israel had listened to the true prophets and followed their words, then she could have done something about it and avoided the catastrophes that came.

The false prophets claimed to speak on the Lord's behalf and expected God to fulfil their words. So just because someone says "this saith the Lord", this means nothing and on its own is worthless. Equally, just because some is fervent in what they say does not mean it is from God.

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