
Tuesday 26 May 2009

Genesis 20:1-17

Abraham has received a renewed promise from God, God has confided in him. Now Abraham seems to be just wandering around with no particular purpose, and makes exactly the same mistake as he did many years ago by saying that Sarah is his sister (see Genesis 12:10-20), even in the same sort of area.

Abimelek sent for Sarah, but God intervened and warned him in a dream. Abimelek was totally innocent in the situation, indeed it is Abraham who is at fault. God knew this, and part of the reason for His intervention was to stop Abimelek sinning. Now Abimelek could have continued in a huff and refused to listen to God, but instead he put things right as God had instructed him. If he had not done so he would have died, instead he would receive a blessing. We need to make sure that we do not act or react out of stubborness.

Abimelek inquired of Abraham why he had acted in this way. Abraham had reasoned that the people were godless. Now in this he was right, but that did not mean that they had no integrity. We too need to be careful of thinking that because people do not believe, or because they follow the wrong religion, there will be nothing moral about their behaviour. This is nonsense. There are plenty who call themselves Christians but act appallingly, and there are many who are not Christians but in many situations will act properly. While it is true that all human beings are sinners, it is also true that all human beings are capable of good acts.

Abimelek gave gave gifts to Abraham and Sarah, and Abraham prayed for Abimelek and his family. As a result his whole household was enabled to have children again. This shows that the incident must have taken some time to elapse in order for them to notice they could no longer have children. Note also that having children was the key area of breakthrough that Abraham and Sarah needed. Sometimes we have to bless others in the area of our need before God will open up the door for our blessing in that area.

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