
Friday 1 May 2009

Genesis 13:1-9

Abraham left with Lot and all his possessions. He had become very wealthy, both in livestock and silver and gold. He then returned to the place where he had built the altar and called on the name of the Lord. It is interesting that when he left the altar to go to the Negev things started going wrong, indeed Abraham himself started going wrong. Now that he has returned we will see things starting to go right. This is not because of any "magical" effect, but because he is now calling on the name of the Lord. This is not a one-off thing that we do, but a lifestyle. We need to call upon the Lord at all times.

Lot was also wealthy. In fact they had so much wealth between them that the land could not support them both. There was such competition for resources that their herders were forever quarrelling.

Abraham decided to resolve the situation, and did so in a manner that demonstrated his faith in God. He simply said they should separate and let Lot have first choice. When God has given us something we have no need to hold on to it. If we detect a grasping or fearful attitude within ourselves, particularly over material goods, especially money, we should watch out. It is the Lord who supplies all our needs, we do not need to be aggressive, or grasping, or manipulative, or hoarding. When (for I guess most of us have wrong attitudes at some time on these matters) we find ourselves having wrong attitudes we should resist them.

We will see that Abraham is a curious mixture of great faith and great faults. He demonstrated great faith here, as he did when he chose to leave Haran in the first place, and he will do so on occasions in the future as well. Yet he also demonstrated many faults, as in lying to Pharaoh, a fault he would alter repeat, and is struggling to believe God about having a son. In this he is just like us. For most of us there are areas where we know how to live by faith and obedience, yet we have other areas of our life where we really struggle. This is normal, and God fulfilled His promises to Abraham. Likewise, if we carry on following Christ His promises will be fulfilled in our lives.

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