
Thursday 7 May 2009

Genesis 15:4

Abraham's assessment of the situation was entirely reasonable, for he did indeed have no children, and there seemed to be no prospect of there being any. Nothing had changed in this area since God had first spoken to him.

However, God saw things differently, and He promises Abraham that he would indeed have a son, and the son would come from his own body. Ie God would Abraham precisely what he desired, and what God had promised. This has two lessons for us. Often we look at situations and it seems hopeless, but of God has spoken then we need to look at things differently. God loves doing the impossible. However, the key thing here is that God had spoken to Abraham about the matter, we need to beware of imagining that God has said something. There is a difference between faith and wishful thinking, faith must be based on God's word.

The second lesson is that God was going to fulfil His promise in the best possible way. Sometimes when we have been asking for something we try and make things up to be an answer, or we try and find some convoluted way of saying our prayer has been answered, or trying to answer it ourselves. We will see a tragic example of this in the next chapter. When God says He will do something He will do it in a good way, and His love for us goes way beyond what we imagine.

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