
Monday 2 March 2009

John 20:11-18

This is the first appearance of the risen Christ. It is notable that the first appearance was to a woman, Jesus completely turns upside down all human conventions.

Two angles appeared. Luke refers to two men, and we should remember that in many cases of angelic appearances the angels appear as men. Therefore there would be no reason for Mary to be alarmed or amazed at the angels' appearance. Mary was upset because she thought the body had been stolen, adding further to the tragedy of Jesus' death.

Then Jesus appeared, but she did not recognise Him. There are various reasons why this might have been so. Tears in her eyes may have obscured her sight. As mentioned before, there was absolutely no expectation of Jesus rising from the dead (Jesus was the only one who expected the resurrection), as far as Mary was concerned He was absolutely dead. When we see someone in a totally unexpected situation we can often doubt if it is really who we think it is. Finally, while there are similarities between the resurrection body and the original one (Jesus apparently still had wounds in His side), there are also differences. (In our case, if we live to a ripe old age, I don't think many of us will want to continue looking like an 80 or 90 year old for eternity!).

Mary finally recognised Jesus when He spoke to her. Jesus told her not to hold on to Him. Why did He say this? The fact that Jesus was alive was not the end of the matter, but only the start of the new life for all who believe. He had to ascend to the Father, and then send the Holy Spirit. A whole new life was starting. Instead Mary was to go and tell the disciples what was happening, that all that He had told them about in the last week was now becoming reality. The resurrection was not just a matter of "going to heaven when we die", it is a whole new life that starts the moment we believe (though of course not being fully consummated until Jesus returns).

Mary duly went to tell the disciples, thought there reaction is not recorded.

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