
Sunday 15 March 2009

Ephesians 1:11-14

The plan is not just a global plan, it is also an individual plan. Each one if us was chosen in Christ, and we were chosen according to His purpose and will. If we want to know the purpose of our life, we need to look to Jesus. If we want to know how to find this purpose fulfilled, we need to look to Jesus. We find our life, our meaning, our strength, in Christ, and nowhere else.

Those who first put their hope in Christ is probably a reference to the Jewish believers. This was so that they should be for the praise of His glory. To appreciate the significance of this we need to remember one of the themes of the Old Testament. Israel was supposed to be a frutiful vineyard that brought forth praise for God (Isaiah 5), but instead because of her disobedience she brought shame and dishonour on God's name. The only way a Jew can be for the praise of God's glory (which is what they are meant to be) is to believe in Christ.

Exactly the same applies to us who are not Jews. When we heard the gospel and believed, we too were included in Christ, and we are for the praise of His glory. The only way we can be for the praise of God's glory (which is what we also are meant to be) is to believe in Christ.

Now we need to remember that at the time Paul was writing the church had come directly out of Judaism, and there was a long history of Hews considering Gentiles to be second class citizens (at best!). How could Gentiles possibly now be included? Paul will deal with this later, but for now the proof of it is that God has sealed us with the Holy Spirit. God Himself comes to dwell within us, He is a guarantee that we are included, that we have an inheritance in Christ.

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