
Sunday 15 February 2009

John 16:16-24

In a little while they would see Jesus no more, then they would see Him. This seems to be contradictory, but no longer would they see Jesus as He was, for after the resurrection He would be the same but different. Moreover, their view of Him would be radically different as well, for they would realise who He truly was.

Not surprisingly the disciples found Jesus words somewhat enigmatic. So if we are a little perplexed at times, the disciples know exactly how we feel.

Jesus knew they they were confused, and so starts to explain to them. He says that they will go through immense grief, but this would then turn to unbelievable joy. This is a pattern that I guess many of us go through in our experience of God. It can look as though everything is falling apart, but then suddenly God seems to work everything out in a wonderful and amazing way. We do well to look back on our lives and consider the number of times this has happened, then when we next face a trial (maybe right now!) we can encourage ourselves in what God has done for us in the past.

The time of pain was essential, but the fruit makes it all worthwhile. A key element of the joy will be receiving whatever we ask for in Jesus name.

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