
Sunday 8 February 2009

John 14:15-21

Love for Jesus is not a matter of sentimentality, but of obedience. While it is absolutely true that we are saved by grace, it is also a truth taught throughout the New Testament that genuine faith and love show themselves by obedience to Jesus (Matt 7:20).

"He will give you another advocate". This is all in the context of "do not let your hearts be troubled" (14:1) and Jesus' imminent departure. He was not going to leave them alone. Christianity is not a matter of obeying a remote God, or following a set of rules. It is about a close, living relationship with God. The word translated in TNIV as "advocate" is paraclete, and this has a variety of meanings. Essentially it is one who encourages and speaks on our behalf, and is more than a legal advocate. He will help us and be with us forever. He is the Spirit of truth. The world (meaning the world system and those who do not believe) will know nothing of Him, because they reject Christ. But we know Him and He lives within us.

As far as the world is concerned, Jesus is a man who lived 2000 years ago, but we know Him now. We have a living relationship with Him now. The unity that there is between the Father and the Son, will start to develop between us and God.

Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples through the events of life, through situations that they encountered. We should expect Him to do the same with us today. Whatever circumstances we may be encountering, we should look on them as an opportunity for God to reveal more of Himself to us.

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