
Saturday 14 February 2009

John 16:12-15

It may have seemed that Jesus had told them enough tough things already, but there was more to come. However, this would have to wait until after the resurrection. Notice Jesus' timing in telling them things. He waited until the right time, He waited until they would be able to receive and understand what he had to say. We have a habit of blurting out the truth immediately (or what we think is the truth). We need to think not just about what we should say and how we should say it, but also about how it will be received.

The Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth. There are a number of things to notice here. One is the continuity between the ministry of Jesus and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. There was perfect continuity, and both worked in harmony with the Father. Secondly, note that the Spirit "guides" us into all truth. He doesn't just say what the truth is and leave it at that, rather He leads us into it, He uses experiences and other aspects of our lives to help us understand.

Remember that right at the start in Chapter 14 Jesus has said "let not your hearts be troubled". He was then going to proceed to tell them all sorts of things, including how they would suffer at times. Our natural reaction is to want suffering to go away, when we think of peace we want an absence of trouble. The peace that Jesus gives is different (see later in 16:33). We should be looking for Him to give us a peace that enables us to cope with difficulties.

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