
Tuesday 26 February 2019

Malachi 3:9,10 - Bring the whole tithe

This withholding of tithes and offerings put the nation under a curse. Now remember our working definition of “curse”: God’s judgement on man’s sin. It is not a spell that the nation is under, but God’s judgement. The whole nation was under judgement. We don’t like the idea of being under judgement these days, for God is all nice and cuddly, or so our superficial thinking tells us. This is never a picture of God that is presented in the Bible, Old or New Testament, and definitely not one presented by Jesus. Politics and economics matter, but a nation that defies God is liable to come under judgement and find that all its plans prove futile. This can apply to most nations in the West today.

However, God has not said this to leave Israel in the lurch. He has said it in order to urge them to repent. They should change their ways and bring the whole tithe into God’s house. Then they would see that the Lord would open up the heavens and pour out blessing upon blessing.

One of the many questions that arises over tithing is whether we should give the 10% to the church, or whether it includes money given to missionary organisations or other charities. I am always wary of being legalistic on these matters, and mistrust some who advocate tithing on a very legalistic basis. However, the church is the body of Christ, it is God’s primary means of working on the earth today, His chosen means. And Christ is the Head of the church. So, normally at least, I believe we should give 10% to the church we are part of. It is an act of faith, for we must be believing that God will work through the church we are part of. If we don’t believe that then why are we still part of that church? What about money we want to give to other charities and good causes? Well, give 10% to the church and then give to other causes. That is true prosperity.

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