
Tuesday 19 February 2019

2 John 1:5,6 - And this is love

This is right out of 1 John 2:7,8. It is interesting that today so much wrong teaching claims to be based on love. “Love is love” is one of the slogans of the LGBT supporters, those in the sin-affirming churches claim that they are acting in love. In the next verse we will see the error in the “love is love” brigades teaching, but why does John talk about it in this context? Sadly we don’t know the exact nature of the false teachings he was countering, or the sort of arguments that the false teachers were using. Maybe they claimed to be acting in love, but who knows? There are several times in the Bible when we wish we knew more about the details. Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that while John wrote this letter (or Paul or Peter etc, depending on what we are looking at), Scripture is God-breathed, and at times God does not want us to get hooked up on the precise historical details of a particular incident. When there is false teaching it is easy for us to get angry, but one of the first things we need to remember is that we are to act in love, and we are to love one another.


Having agreed to love one another we now get one in the eye for the “love is love” brigade, exposing the vacuity of such statements. “This is love, that we walk according to His commandments”. This too is right out of 1 John. Loving God involves obeying His commands. Indeed, Jesus said exactly the same about loving Him in John 14:15. So any talk of love that involves disobeying God’s commands is just so much nonsense. We are to walk in obedience to God, not disobedience.

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