
Wednesday 24 October 2018

Micah 3:5-7 - The sun shall go down on the prophets

The prophets were supposed to guide the people in the right paths, to pull them back from straying, but the false prophets were doing the exact opposite. They were making the people stray. False teachers today do exactly the same. Ministers who teach that LGBT is good are leading people down wrong paths. The prophets were meant to feed the people spiritual food, but did nothing of the sort. The prophets also spoke only for money.


You can be a false prophet or teacher and for a time you might make money or gain some sort of popularity, but you can also be sure that God’s judgement will come. Then darkness will cover you, you will see no more visions, have no more insights. These were only a figment of your own imagination anyway, but even these will go and darkness will come. Once they might have basked in some sort of fame, but then shame will come. Their shallowness and emptiness will be evident to all. They will have nothing to say.

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