
Friday 9 February 2018

1 Corinthians 12:3-6 - Different kinds

The pagan worship would sometimes involve “religious” experiences, sometimes quite dramatic. The Holy Spirit has an effect on our lives, sometimes quite dramatic, so we need to be aware of the danger of letting influences from ungodly culture intrude on our lives. Paul gives a very simple test. If someone says “Jesus is accursed” then it is definitely not the Holy Spirit who is inspiring them, but the Holy Spirit will lead people to declare that “Jesus is Lord”. Now we might think demons would not be so stupid as to do such blatantly wrong things that make it so obvious they are not godly, but demons will do stupid things. Worse, people will sometimes fall for it. Consider some of the debates in some churches about LGBT stuff and how often things that are so obviously against God’s word are passed off as being motivated “by the Spirit”. You may think I mention LGBT stuff too often. The reason is that these issues so clearly demonstrate the  modern day reality of the things that Paul is talking about. If we talk about idols then it means little to us today and we then think the word has little relevance. But God’s word is all too relevant today, and the LGBT stuff is the clearest demonstration of that.

Paul now turns his attention to various spiritual gifts. The first thing they need to know is that there are different kinds of gifts. We should also note that they are gifts. We have done nothing to earn or merit them, they are freely given by God. Our human tendency is to assume that we have done something to merit the gift, and to start comparing our gift or gifts with those of others, either considering ours to be more or less important than another gift.


Paul then says that, likewise, there are different kinds of service and working. It is vital that we associate these words with spiritual gifts. They are not given to us as a plaything, or to enhance our ego. They are given first for service, to enable the work of the kingdom to progress, to serve the Lord and to serve others. Whatever the gift, it is to be used to serve the Lord. Note that Paul says it is the same God at work. When we use a spiritual gift aright, it is God working through us. God works and we work. And you might sometimes consider your gift, or someone else’s gift, to be more or less important, but this sort of thinking is deeply mistaken. God is at work, and there are many facets to the work He does, many things that need doing. So whatever it is the Lord gives us to do, and enables us to do it, we should do it gladly and diligently, not wasting time on considering how important we consider it to be. God wants it done, so it is important.

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