
Saturday 14 October 2017

1 Timothy 1:5-7 - They do not know what they are talking about

“The goal of this command is love”. We often seem to think commands and love are somehow opposed to each other, nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus said that if we love Him we will obey Him (John 14:15). Teaching false doctrines or getting involved in pointless arguments does not promote love. Love comes from a pure heart, false teachings and controversies come from a corrupt heart.  And it comes from a good conscience, for it comes from a heart that is devoted to Jesus and knows that by His blood we are justified. And it comes from sincere faith. False teachings do not and cannot come from a sincere faith, for it involves twisting or ignoring God’s word. And pointless myths and genealogies come from a puffed up mind.

“Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk”. Nothing much has changed in two thousand years! Jesus is the truth, the way and the life. When we turn to Him and follow Him our lives have purpose, and our lives become increasingly in line with the truth. If we turn away from Christ we are turning away from the truth, so as it says in Romans 1:21 such a person becomes futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts are darkened.


The people who have turned away from God want to be teachers, they want to be teachers with authority.  But because they have rejected the truth their talk becomes meaningless drivel. It is likely that at least some of the false teachers that Paul had in mind came from a Jewish background, so maybe they were hoping to emulate the “teachers of the Law”. Today, those who espouse transgenderism seek to be speaking with authority, but there is no basis whatsoever to what they are saying. It goes against all common sense, all that every society has been based on from time immemorial, it goes against science, and it goes against God’s word. Such is its foundation, so its destiny is assured.

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