
Thursday 31 August 2017

Luke 22:20-23 - Cup of the new covenant

Jesus now states that there is a new covenant. For hundreds of years Israel had lived under the Sinai covenant. Ie the Ten Commandments and the Law. This covenant defined Israel, now a new covenant would define God’s people. We should realise that at this moment in time the disciples almost certainly were not expecting a new covenant! They must have wondered what on earth was happening. The old covenant had been sealed with the blood of animals, this covenant would be sealed in the blood of Jesus. And Jesus blood was poured out for us. Jesus died for our benefit.

Then we have the prediction of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. We have here another indication of how predestination works, and how it does not work. The betrayal of Jesus was ordained long ago, it was all part of the plan. Yet the one who would betray Him is still responsible for his actions. Any understanding of predestination that thinks that it somehow takes away human responsibility is a misunderstanding of predestination. These misunderstandings are usually a result of us looking at things from an earthly, time-bound perspective and seeking to explain things from this standpoint. But predestination is not a human characteristic. We cannot predestin anything, and many have tried! Predestination is a Godly characteristic, and He is eternal, not time bound. So our attempts to explain are destined to fail!

The disciples were distraught at the news and argued about who would be the one to betray Jesus.

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