
Friday 25 August 2017

Luke 21:16-24 - Surrounded by armies

However, Jesus’ promise of the necessary words and wisdom being supplied at the appropriate time is not promise of an easy life! We will be betrayed, and even by our nearest and dearest. This does not mean that every single Christian will be betrayed by every family member and closest friends, it just means that it might happen, and betrayal by someone close is normal.
“Everyone will hate you”. Again we need to understand the idiom. Jesus does not mean absolutely everyone, for elsewhere the New Testament speaks of having favour with men, and being of good repute.  We should seek to live lives that deserve respect and honour, but there will be those who hate us, and there will be times when almost everyone hates us. And they will do so because of Jesus. But even in the midst of all this “not a hair on our head will perish”. Now, especially given later verses, this cannot mean nothing bad will ever happen, but even in the midst of suffering God is taking care of every detail of our lives. We are to stand firm and we will win life!

Matthew speaks of the “abomination that causes desolation”, referring directly to Daniel. Luke refers directly to the “surrounding armies”, meaning the Roman armies. The Roman armies did desecrate the temple. Luke wrote this in the early sixties he would know what the likely fulfilment of Jesus words was going to be. There is also clear practical instruction. Get out of the city, or if you are not in it, do not enter it. Many were saved by heeding these words. This also shows that there was a definite fulfillment of things in the first century.


The fact that AD66-70 constituted a fulfilment of prophecy if made very clear here. The nature of the trouble is made very clear. There would be much suffering, and none would escape. The effects would be long lasting, with the nation being dispersed to all nations, and Jerusalem “trampled on by the Gentiles” until the “times of the Gentiles are fulfilled”. All this has happened! These verses are also why the return of Israel to Jerusalem in 1948 is considered to be so significant. Note also that it speaks of “wrath against the people”. God’s judgement did come, and in a terrible way. This is a clear demonstration that God’s judgement is real. Remember also that these are the words of Jesus.

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