
Tuesday 25 July 2017

Luke 18:21-30 - Camels and needles

The man replies that he has kept all these since he was a boy, and, at least from a superficial level, this was probably true. Though whether there had ever been anger of lust in his heart is another matter. So, given that the man is looking to be qualified for the kingdom, Jesus adds one more thing. “Sell everything you have and give to the poor”. Now what is Jesus doing here? He knew full well that this would really hit home with the man, so Jesus hits on something that He knew the man could not give up. Now, even if he had agreed to sell everything he would still not be righteous, but Jesus wanted to get the man to realise his own shortcomings, and the impossibility of his earning the right to enter the kingdom.

The man was very wealthy and did not want to give everything up. Jesus then declares that it was very hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. The eye of the needle may refer to a particular gate in the city walls, or it may be that He is just drawing a contrast between the largest animal around and the smallest gap, ie something that is totally impossible. The rich may be blessed in this life, but it is impossible for them to enter the kingdom on their own merits, just as it is for anyone else.

v26 indicates that the disciples assumed that the wealthy were indeed blessed by God, and so could enter heaven. So it now seems that no one can be saved. Jesus’ reply is that nothing is impossible with God.

Peter, speaking without thinking, or at least without enough thinking, blurts out that they had given given up everything, so maybe they did actually qualify for the kingdom. Or, perhaps more likely, he is thinking what was the point of us giving up everything in order to follow you? This would fit better with Jesus’ reply that they would receive many times over both in this age, and would then inherit eternal life. We may be called to give up much, but if we do we will be looked after by God, both in this life and the next. However, our making sacrifices does not earn us the right to enter heaven, it is only Jesus who gives us eternal life.

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