
Sunday 12 February 2017

Luke 2:48-52 - Increasing in wisdom

In some ways Mary and Joseph were just normal parents with the anxieties that normal parents have with regard to their offspring. Jesus expresses surprise that they did not know where to find Him. The angel had told Mary that her son would be Son of the Most High (Luke 1:32). The temple was the natural place to find Him, in His Father’s house. Jesus expects us to take the word of God seriously. However, Mary and Joseph did not understand.

Jesus then returned with them to Nazareth “and was obedient to them”. His visit to the temple was not a symptom of disobedience. Just ponder for a moment the magnitude of what we are reading here. Jesus is the Son of God, the One through whom all things were created. Yet here is the Son of God submitting in obedience to normal human beings. We something of the fulness of the incarnation, the fulness of His becoming human.
Mary pondered the things that had been happening, and the things that had been said. We need to dwell on the word of God, and on what He does in our lives. Sometimes there is a sudden flash of light and we see something, but at other times we need to ponder things and it is only over time that the truth will dawn.
So Jesus grew in wisdom and stature. The verse is similar to what was said about John, but there are also differences. There was no mention of John growing in favour with God and man.

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