
Tuesday 7 February 2017

Luke 2:27-32 - Nunc Dimittis

“Moved by the Spirit ..” Sometimes people mock Christians if they say they were moved by the Holy Spirit to do a simple action, and undoubtedly we can sometimes be spiritual nutcases, but the Spirit does sometimes move us to do the most mundane things. Here the Spirit urged Simeon to move to the temple courts at the time when Jesus would be there. It was vital that this happened, otherwise Simeon would never have seen the Messiah. “To do for Him what the custom of the Law required”. So again we see Law and Spirit in operation together.

It doesn’t actually say that the Spirit inspired Simeon to say this hymn of praise, but we are probably safe to assume that it was the Spirit’s unction. As with the other songs, there is a Latin name for this one, Nunc Dimittis, meaning “now dismiss”. Simeon had been holding on to the promise of God. Simeon had been looking for the consolation of Israel. God might have said to him that he just had to trust God, but He didn’t. God said he would see a concrete sign, and indeed he did. Several times in the gospels we read of the Pharisees asking for a sign and they got a frosty reception from Jesus. Simeon here receives a sign. Why the difference? The Pharisees (and others) asked out of doubt, Simeon believed. If we have faith, simple trust in God, then we will receive far more than if we have a doubting/demanding attitude. 
Simeon also knew what the salvation was, that is glory for Israel and salvation for the Gentiles, for all people. He was not narrowly focused on Israel, nor was he neglectful of Israel. Right from the first promise to Abraham the global reach of God’s salvation was made clear, and this theme occurs several times in the Old Testament, especially in the book of Isaiah.

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