
Wednesday 30 November 2016

Hebrews 13:15-17 - A sacrifice of praise

13:15, 16
Rather than offering Levitical sacrifices, the Hebrews should offer a sacrifice of praise. Jesus has already offered Himself as the perfect once for all sacrifice. Instead of the repeated offering of sacrifices that could never truly clear our guilt, we continually offer praise to God for the one fully effective sacrifice. Praise should be the fruit of our lips.
But our praise, or offerings, are not to be words only, but also good deeds, and sharing with others. “With such sacrifices God is pleased”. The Hebrews were wondering if they needed to offer Levitical sacrifices in order to please God. They did not. Praise and good deeds are what truly pleases God.
We should note that wrong actions can sometimes be the result of good motives. The Hebrews were concerned about sin and wanted to please God, yet they were being tempted to go about this in the wrong way. Knowledge and understanding are important. Truth matters.

It would seem that their leaders were pointing them in the right direction, so the writer urges them to have confidence in their leaders. They are also to submit to them. The leaders too are people under authority, they would have to give an account to the head of the church, Jesus Christ. The writer encourages them to do this in order to make their leaders’ work a joy, not a burden. Anyone in leadership is all too familiar with the reality of people who cause trouble. It is wearing, and makes it more difficult to do things well. We should seek to make the job of leaders easier rather than harder.

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