
Sunday 13 November 2016

Hebrews 11:27-29 - Leaving Egypt

Yet again we get the emphasis on looking forward. There was a price to pay by Moses for his actions. He was choosing to suffer, and foregoing the riches of Egypt. There will be times when following Christ involves a stark choice in our lives, and choosing Christ may involve a real cost. However, this cost is purely temporary, the rewards are eternal.

As we all know, the Israelites had to daub the blood of a lamb on the doors of their houses in order to be safe from the angel of death. Now we read these stories with the benefit of hindsight. We know what happened, but when the command to sacrifice the lamb was given Moses had no idea if it would “work” or not. He knew that God could do miracles, there had been several plagues by this point, so he probably didn’t doubt that the angel of death would come and do his stuff. But he had no basis for believing that the blood would save them, except the word of God. So keeping of the Passover was an act of faith, an act of trust in God’s word.


The parting of the Red Sea was also something that Moses had not seen before. So how did it work? Moses had to raise his staff. Now he had never seen this happen before, and he had to do this in the presence of the people, and a very scared people at that. So Moses did this and the sea was driven back. This took a period of time (Ex 14:21). Then when they walked across the Red Sea they had to trust that God would keep the water back. The fact that this was a miraculous event is shown by the drowning of the Egyptians when they tried to cross over.

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