
Wednesday 20 January 2016

Romans 2:21.22 - Do you not teach yourself?

We now come to the key question, “you then who teach others, do you not teach yourself?”. This is a question that all of us who preach and teach should ask ourselves. God is far more interested in what we do and what we are than what we know (or think we know, because if we do not do it we really do not know anything).
Paul gives several examples and this is where we really need to bear in mind that he is using a rhetorical style with exaggeration to emphasise the point. For most Jews did not actually commit adultery nor rob temples, at least in a surface level understanding of the terms. So part of the purpose is just to get the man to look at himself. You notice this is in most arguments with atheists or other sceptics. They will argue about generalities, rarely will the issue focus on them as individuals. Conversely, the Lord wants to turn the focus on us as individuals. The first step in meeting the Lord is to realise our own guilt, our own weakness our own need. Then we are in a position to receive the free gift of salvation. For instance someone may raise the issue “what about Mother Theresa?”, or some other “good” person. But the first question for you and me is not Mother Theresa, it is about you and me. God gets personal.

Then there are the words of Jesus about whoever looks at a woman lustfully, or whoever hates his brother, is guilty of adultery and murder. The condition of our hearts is crucial. Moreover, if the Jew did not give to God properly then he was indeed robbing God, robbing temples (Mal 3:8).

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