In his descent into stupidity man claims to be wise. Very intelligent people claim the whole universe came about by chance. Some claim the universe came out of nothing, and then say there was something there (a quantum vacuum, the laws of quantum mechanics). A lot of the arguments for evolution being the primary mechanism for the development of life are mere hand waving. While Christians are sometimes accused of believing in a God of the gaps, it has been said that some evolutionists believe in evolution of the gaps. By the way, I do not believe evolution is complete nonsense, just that it is in no way able to carry the weight put up on it, Stephen Meyer has written an excellent book on the topic.
So what did man do? He created images that looked like the things that were created. In Paul’s day this expressed itself in images made to look like man, animals, reptiles or birds. But we don’t do that sort of thing now do we? Well, actually we do. In science we have replaced the images of animals etc with making idols out of the processes. We say this process or that process led to the creation of the universe, or the development of life. But where did the process come from, where did the physical law come from? Why is it there? The process was created by God, it is part of His creation. So just as much as earlier generations worshipped the created rather than the creator, we do exactly the same. Now people exist, animals exist, birds and reptiles exist, but they are not gods. Likewise there are physical processes, scientific laws, but they are not gods either, and they most definitely do not explain everything.
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