
Saturday 22 August 2015

John 14:6-8 - I am the way

Jesus then makes it clear that He is the way, the truth and the life. If we follow Jesus, if we trust in Him then we will get to the place where He wants us to be. Moreover, He is the only way to the Father. So Jesus is not just a way, He is the way.
If we really know Jesus then we will know the Father as well. There is complete unity between the Father and the Son. Then Jesus says that the disciples do know the Father and have seen Him. Why did He say this? Because they knew Jesus, so they did know the Father. So the disciples actually knew more than they realised.


Thomas had said they didn’t know where Jesus was going. That was true, in a sense, but they didn’t need to know. Philip doubts that they have actually seen the Father. Maybe Philip said it in response to Jesus’ words “from now on you do know Him”. Maybe he was expecting some new revelation. The truth was that he didn’t realise what he already had, what Jesus had already given to them. We need to appreciate what God has already given to us, we need to have our eyes and ears opened to see and hear what we have already been shown.

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