
Sunday 9 August 2015

John 12:47-50 - There is a judge

We now get more on judgement, and yet another example of a warning against superficial interpretation of Jesus’ words on judgement. People are so keen to use Jesus’ words as grounds for not judging, for not calling sin what it is. But it only needs a moderately careful reading of His words to see that such an interpretation is absolute nonsense. In fact, it only takes a reading of the next verse in most cases, as it does here! What Jesus means in verse 47 is that He has come to tell us what is wrong with us, but has not done so in order that we can be judged, but in order that we can escape judgement! He wants us to repent and believe and so be saved.

The very next verse now makes it abundantly clear that judgement will come, and Jesus knew full well that judgement would come. If we reject Jesus and His words then we are open to judgement, indeed the words Jesus has spoken will count against us.
Why is this? It is because the words that Jesus spoke are the words the Father commanded Him to speak. Likewise we should speak the words that Jesus spoke. Not meaning a verbatim repetition, but we should preach and teach the same message.

Now why does Jesus speak the Father’s words? Because His words lead to eternal life. If we neglect to speak the Lord’s words we are denying people the opportunity to get eternal life. The church is frequently loath to call sin what it is, in a pretence of being more caring. Currently the issue of homosexuality is the obvious example, but it applies much more widely, it applies to all sin.

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