
Friday 6 March 2015

John 1:37-39 - Spending time with Jesus

Two of John's disciples decide to follow Jesus. They did this in response to John's teaching, again the message is that if you truly listen to John the Baptist then you will become a disciple of Jesus.
Jesus asked them "what do you want ?" We sometimes think that Jesus takes anyone, but often He asks odd questions.
The two referred to Jesus as rabbi. This term was used of official teachers in Judaism, but was not restricted to them, it could be used as a general term of respect. They had been following John, but were now following Jesus. They had looked on John as their rabbi, now it was to be Jesus.
They asked Jesus where He was staying.  If they were going to follow Jesus they needed to know where He was staying.

Jesus does not answer their question directly, but instead calls on them to come with Him, then they will see. There is a twofold reason for this. We so often want information, Jesus seeks to give us so much more, and to get this we need to be with Him. Secondly, His true home was with the Father.

So they spent the day with Him. The tenth hour was about 4 o'clock. It is not clear at what point in their time with Him this refers to. The key point is they spent time with Him, and did see where He was staying.

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