
Sunday 1 March 2015

John 1:26,27 - Stop avoiding Jesus

The religious types had been focusing on who John the Baptist was, John, on the other hand was trying to get them to focus on who Jesus was. That was the question that really mattered. In Matthew the baptising with water remark is followed by the claim that Jesus would baptise with fire and the Holy Spirit (Matt 3:11).
Among you stands one that you do not know. It is ironic and tragic that they were concerned about John claiming to be the Messiah, when the true Messiah was standing among them.  All of us need to beware of focusing on the wrong things, for when we do so we also completely miss the truth.

The one who comes after me. John was just the warm-up act, the main act was about to begin and He was the One they should be focusing on. Of course, when Jesus did start His ministry they did focus on Him, but from entirely the wrong perspective. If they had listened to John and had repented, then they would have been in a position to appreciate who Jesus really is. Matt 3:7 refers to Pharisees and. Sadducees coming to John, and he called them a brood of vipers. I wonder if this was related to the current incident?
Untying the thongs of sandals was a most menial task, not one that would be given to a Jewish servant, only to a Gentile one. John says that he was not worthy to even do that for Jesus.

See the attitude that John has. If we want to see who Jesus really is we need to come with humility, recognising our sinfulness and His holiness. If we come in arrogance or pride we will never truly see Him for who He is.

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