
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Nehemiah 6 - Dealing with opposition

Opposition continues. While we are going on with God's plans we need to appreciate that there will always be opposition. The wall had been completed, and Sanballat, Tobiah and the rest of the gang were leading the opposition. They sought to use a more subtle approach, inviting Nehemiah to go and meet with them. Nehemiah was focused on the task in hand and refused to be distracted. Four more times they tried to get Nehemiah to come to them, but he continued to resist.
Finally Sanballat sought to to use false accusations, claiming Jerusalem would be rebelling. False accusations and rumours are a common tactic of the enemy. Nehemiah was not taken in and prayed to the Lord for strength.
Next Shemaiah sought to distract Nehemiah, saying they should hide in the temple because Nehemiah's life was in danger. The enemy will use all sorts of tactics, appealing to various emotions, in seeking to stop us doing God's work. Nehemiah knew what was going on. He had a clear focus on what God had given him to do. We need to have the same focus. Knowing what we are supposed to be doing is a good defence against being misled into doing the wrong thing. As a leader we need to take risks and must not be seen to be protecting ourselves at the expense of others.
The prophets, who should have been supporting the work, were actually speaking against it. There will always be false prophets.
So the work was completed and fear filled the surrounding lands.

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