
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Jeremiah 22 - Speaking truth to power

Jeremiah is now sent to the centre of political power in Judah, to the king's palace. First the king is reminded that he sits on David's throne, a reminder of the heritage he has and the faithfulness of David.
"Do what is just and right". Any power we are given is the power to serve, in all positions of authority we are to what is "just and right", and we will be called to account one day. Rulers are also to protect the weak and certainly ensure that they do not do wrong to them. This is reminiscent of Micah's words (Mic 6:8). If rulers do this then they will prosper, but if they do not then disaster will come.
Great destruction would come and the nations would ask why the land was now desolate. They would also know the answer, because Judah abandoned her covenant with the Lord.
Shallum (v11) is Jehoahaz. He had been taken off to Egypt, and would never return.
Then the king is castigated for building wealth out of unrighteousness and exploiting workers. We need to take on board the whole word of God. Those on the "right" focus on some aspects of the word of God, claiming they have God's word on their side, but ignore many other sections of God's word. But those on the "left" talk an equal amount of nonsense, focusing on other aspects of the word of God, claiming they have God's word on their side, but ignoring many other sections of God's word.
The leaders had become corrupt, seeing power and authority as a means or personal aggrandisement. We see the same phenomenon today. Perhaps the clearest example is the bankers and other financiers who somehow find it impossible to do their job unless they are paid millions. All they do is demonstrate how pathetic they are, and reveal a true poverty.
The king would suffer much judgement, and would not be missed nor mourned by the people.

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