
Friday 20 June 2014

Jeremiah 18 - The Potters house - seeing things as they really are

Note that this is not just a "message", God is giving Jeremiah fundamental understanding. We think that we are masters of our own destiny and of our own lives. This is not true. We are utterly and absolutely dependent upon God for our existence in the first place, and our continued existence. God has the right to do whatever He likes with our lives, until we come to terms with this basic truth we will have no true understanding.
So if God decides that He is going to reshape Israel then He has every right to do so. However, this is not arbitrary. Nations are given the opportunity to repent. If they do so they will be spared. 
You see the people of Judah thought "we have all these promises from God, therefore we will be alright". Now if they had trusted the Lord and worshipped only Him then they would indeed have been alight, but they did not. 
Judah suffered purely because of her own stubbornness. We need to beware that the same cannot be said of us.
Judah was not created to be a people who worship idols, yet that is what they had become. So judgement would come.
The response of the people was to make their sin even worse, they sought to attack Jeremiah. Jeremiah's response is to call on God to exact vengeance upon the people. Now some might say he should have a more "Christian" attitude, but now he understands the frustration of the Lord.

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