
Saturday 28 December 2013

Luke 15:11-31 - The Lost Son

The theme of seeking the lost continues with the parable of the lost son, or the prodigal as it is often better known. As an aside, the groupings of parables and incidents tells us something about the construction of the New Testament. The gospel writers tended to group parables, incidents and teachings together thematically, not always following a chronological order. That is why some of the differences between gospels occurs.
The parable is well known, but there are many lessons to be learnt and questions that can be asked.
One is that it is quite amazing that the Father gave the younger son his share and allowed him to go on his way. God gives man an amazing amount of freedom. In someways the younger brother could be viewed as the Gentile nations. They wanted little to do with God, unlike Israel whose whole being was defined by the Law. Then the Gentiles repented and gladly turned to Jesus, but the Jews rejected Him.
Turning against the Father failed to benefit the younger son, resulting only in poverty. At last he came to his senses and decided to return home, and in a contrite fashion. He knew that he deserved nothing from the Father. The Father, however, had long been looking out for the son to return and was filled with joy when he spotted him. So the Father welcomed the son and threw a party of celebration. 
The older brother was put out by all this. Were all his efforts for nothing, and here was his brother getting a party.
The kingdom is about seeking out the lost. When they do so there is great rejoicing in heaven.

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