
Monday 16 December 2013

2 Kings 22 - The Book of the Law

We now get a good king, Josiah who walked in the ways of David. We should remember that Jesus said that He was The Way, and we should all seek to walk in the way of Jesus.
Josiah was seeing to it that the work of the repairing the temple was done properly. This was done with the money collected from the people. Hilkiah the high priest was in charge of the work. Verse 7 is interesting. Now this does not mean we should not have proper accountability, in the New Testament Paul made sure that the handling of the collection of money for Jerusalem was done in a transparent manner. However, the heart of the matter has to be that we have people who can be trusted. If people cannot be trusted we can have all the laws we like, nothing will change.
During the work Hilkiah found the book of the Law. Now this is quite amazing. It seems that the nation had completely forgotten about the word of God. However, in one sense we should not be surprised. People by nature do not want to hear the word of God, and our society has to a large extent forgotten about the word of God. 
The Law was read out to the king. Josiah then repented. He realised that the reason for all Judah's troubles was their disobedience to the word of God. The priests went to consult Huldah, a female prophet. She then speaks the word, which says that disaster will come and not be stopped, but because of Josiah's faith and repentance it would not happen in his life time. We see here a woman having a significant impact on the nation by speaking the word of God.

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