
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Mark 7:31-37 - Healing a deaf and mute man

Jesus then left the area and went to the Sea of Galilee. P particular healing incident is mentioned. Now there were presumably numerous healings and/or exorcisms. So why is this particular one mentioned?
Some people brought the deaf and mute man and begged Jesus to place His hand upon him. In many cases people wanted Jesus to touch them. There is something about receiving a personal touch from Christ that help us to believe in Him.
Jesus took the man aside. He then spat and touched the man's tongue, and cried out to heaven. Now spitting is something we regard with distaste, but this was not necessarily so in Jesus' time.The man was completely healed. He could hear and he could speak clearly.
As was often the case Jesus told them not to tell anyone, but this was to no avail because the people were so amazed at what Jesus had done.

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