
Sunday 27 January 2013

Mark 6:45-56 - Out for a walk!

We now see another miracle and demonstration of Jesus' authority over nature. Jesus sent His disciples away while He went away to pray. Again we see Jesus reacting to situations by seeking His Father. In John 6 we read that the crowds wanted to make Jesus king. Jesus made sure that His life was influenced by His Father, not by men.
The disciples were in a boat going across the lake and a storm. Jesus went out to them walking on the lake. This is amazing, and is of course where our "walk on water" phrase comes from. The fact that Mark's version does not mention Peter's attempt, and partial success, to walk on water is evidence that Peter was a primary source for Mark. 
Folklore of the time said that of you saw a ghost at night then it was a sign of something bad about to happen. Hence the disciples' reaction. Jesus assures them that it is He and not a ghost. Mark draws attention to the previous miracle. So what was it that they did not understand? It is that Jesus has complete authority over nature and is not bound by normal laws. Their hearts were hardened. So again we see the Bible being completely honest about the state of its writers and their sins and failings.
When they reached the other side the crowds came again and many were healed.

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