
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Psalm 119:33-40 - Longing

We need to be taught by the Lord. There are many implications to this. The first is that we come to the word of God looking for Him to teach us, we do not go to the word looking to tell God what He should think! (Which is what some people seem to do!). 
Secondly, it is about a relationship. We are not just coming to a text book, but to the living God, and through the Holy Spirit He instructs us.
The Bible is God's word and we should accept it. However, God wants us to have understanding as well. There will be times when we just obey God because He has said we should do something, even though we cannot see why it is the right thing to do. But this is not a permanent state of affairs, and is not the goal. God's goal is that we have understanding of His ways, then we can follow with all of our heart.
Obeying God's commands is not onerous, but is a delight and a joy. God's commands actually are the best thing for us. We need God to turn our hearts towards His ways, and away from selfish gain. Self-centeredness is the fruit of rebellion.
When we turn from God we turn towards worthless things. It is God who gives our lives meaning and value.
We live in a world that has rebelled against God, and indeed we at one time were part of that rebellion. That means that we live in hostile territory and the world would love to put us to shame. But we can call upon the Lord to defend us.
There is a longing within our souls for the ways of the Lord.

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