
Friday 7 December 2012

Colossians 4:2-6 - Prayer

We are to devote ourselves to prayer. We need to make a conscious decision and effort to pray, otherwise we let things slip. There is a balance to sought here. Sometimes people speak detrimentally of prayer lists, or following some system of formal prayers, and there is a danger that things can just become a meaningless ritual. However, there is value in adopting good habits as well. We all need some discipline. At the same time there is also a place for "casual" or "informal"prayer too. 
We are to be watchful, on our guard and full of thanks. We need to watch what is happening to ourselves, to our family and friend, to our country and world, and to pray about these things. There are things that God will not do unless we pray. Prayer is one of the ways in which God fulfills His plans through us.
Paul specifically asks for prayer that his own mission might be successful, that God would open doors for the gospel. He also asks that God will enable him to proclaim the message faithfully. This is Paul the great evangelist and apostle. All of us are dependent upon God to fulfill our mission properly.
All of us are to be wise in how we interact with the world, making the most of all opportunities and using wisdom. We respond with grace and salt. The world, even Richard Dawkins, are not the enemy. Jesus died for everyone.

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