
Saturday 27 October 2012

Philippians 3:17-21 - Follow the right example

Paul cites himself as an example. None of us are perfect, but at the same time there should be at least some aspects of our lives which others can imitate, which are helpful for following Christ. 
We should look to those who are effective at following Christ and use them as examples. There are people who are not good examples, and such people can even be enemies of Christ. Paul does not mince his words about such people. Destruction is the ultimate destiny for such people. They worship their belly, glory in shame and have their mind set on earthly things. This means that they are interested in only in feeding themselves, whether it be food, sexual appetites or their pride. 
We have a different citizenship, we are citizens of heaven. We need to realise how different we are, and to live differently. Christ is our goal, and it is His kingdom that we seek. And we know that He will transform our earthly bodies. Paul here is talking about what will happen at the end of the age when Christ returns. Whether we are alive at the time or have died, we will be given a new body. And everything will be subject to Christ.

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