
Saturday 20 October 2012

Philippians 2:5-11 - Finding yourself

Jesus is much more than example, His life is about much more than just being an example of how to live, but He most definitely is an example. He lived the life of a perfectly godly man, He showed us how we should live, He showed us the life that the Holy Spirit is seeking to build within us.
So we are to have the same mindset, or the same attitude, that Jesus had. Then we have this wonderful hymn that expresses both the divinity and humanity of Christ. Jesus is God in His very nature. If a chemical test for divinity could be carried out, Jesus would prove to be 100% God. But he did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. Instead He made himself nothing and became a servant. We do well to remember this with regard to any blessings that God gives us, be they financial blessings, blessings of authority, blessings of gifts and abilities. Whatever God gives us we are to use to serve Him and to serve others, not to get our own way.
If we go back to our hypothetical chemical test, Jesus would also prove to be 100% human. The most fundamental aspect of truly being human is obedience to God. Folk are always talking about finding ourselves, being true to ourselves. We find ourselves when we live in obedience to God. This is what we have rebelled against, and is why we as the human race are in such a mess. 
This obedience even led to death on a cross. We have rebelled against God because we wanted to exalt ourselves. But because Jesus humbled Himself, He has been exalted to the highest place. And one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. 
If we humble ourselves, then God will exalt us.

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