
Friday 18 December 2009

Hebrews 4:14-16

Normally we would be terrified at the thought of someone knowing every thought and motive that we have ever had, for all of us have some pretty awful thoughts that go through our mind. Yet the writer sees this as good news. Why? It is because the God who knows everything is the same God who went to the cross for us, knowing exactly what we were like, yet was without sin.

Moreover, He did not come to earth as some super being, but as a man, so He knows what it is like to be human. If anyone else did know all things about us then we would be right to be terrified, but in Jesus we have a great high priest. We can approach the throne of grace with confidence. For we do not need to fear that He might find out something terrible about us, He already knows it all. In fact He knows us better than we know ourselves. Yet knowing this He was still prepared to die for us. In fact it is because we are so much in need of salvation that He went to the cross for us.

We do not need to hide anything. Christianity is the only true religion, for it faces up to the real truth. So we can run to the throne of grace, looking to receive help and mercy in our time of need.

As a footnote, no one else could be trusted with the knowledge that God has of us. If anyone else had the same degree of knowledge they would either misuse it, or would not know how to handle it. That is why privacy is so important, and why prying governments are to be avoided.

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