
Monday 7 December 2009

Hebrews 2:10,11

Jesus became like us, and we will become like Him. We will share in His glory and we will become holy like Him. When it talks of us being brought to glory it includes many things, but one of the most important is that God will brings us to the same degree of moral excellences that Jesus has. Jesus was perfect, He loved us perfectly, He loved the Father perfectly, He trusted perfectly. We will be brought to the same level of faith.

Why is it "fitting" that God should make Jesus "perfect through suffering"? First, this does not imply previous imperfection. Think of it like this. Consider a mathematics graduate, they will be able to do all sorts of maths that they could not do when they were ten years old. This does not mean they were less mathematically able at that age, just that they hadn't studied lots of things yet. The suffering brought Jesus' work to completeness. The prime problem with bringing us to glory was our sin, Christ's death on the cross was the solution to this sin.

Verse 11 is amazing. We are of the same family as Jesus. Jesus is pleased to call us His brothers. Through Christ we are brought into unity with God.

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