
Thursday 4 June 2009

1 Peter 1:1,2

1 Peter was written by the apostle Peter in the early sixties. From earliest times it was acknowledged as being written by Peter, though in more modern times some have cast doubt on this. The main argument for doubting Peter's authorship was the good quality of Greek in the letter, and that Peter was supposedly incapable of writing high quality Greek. This can be countered on two grounds. First this was written towards the end of Peter's life, and he would have learnt a thing or two in that time. Moreover, just because he was a fisherman by no means implies he was not intelligent. Secondly, 1 Peter 5:12 may imply that Silas helped with the writing.

On a more positive note, the letter claimes to be written by Peter, and the when we read it, and 2 Peter, there are many echoes of the Peter we know from the gospels and Acts.

The letter is addressed to "God's elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces" of Asia Minor. These would have included both Jewish Christians and Gentiles. People from some of these areas were in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost, and Paul visited some of them as well.

LIke Paul, Peter sees Christians as chosen according to God's foreknowledge. It is no accident that we have come to believe, but part of God's eternal plan. So when we try to make sense of life and circumstances we need to remember that we are part of God's purpose, we are not subject to the whims of random events. We are God's elect.

We were chosen with a purpose, and through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is constantly working in our lives to make us more holy, more Christlike. The goal is that we become obedient to Christ. And His blood makes us clean and acceptable to God.

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